AVISTAR ♛ UK 2022, Grand Finale, National


Good afternoon everybody! The audience may be seated in case you were standing up to greet her Majesty. If not, you may stay seated. With my outfit, I represent the United Kingdom because this is my country of choice to live in since I was a little princess. Of course, there are so many different ways in representing the UK. But I chose a styling that comes into my mind when I think about the United Kingdom. The first thing that comes into my mind is the Queen and the Royal Guards. So I have chosen a styling inspiration of the Queen when she was younger and added some recognisable Items like a handbag, one of her beloved corgis and of course two guards for protection, just to mention a few.




• Mesh Hair (Dream) by Fabia




• Bill Essential Gloves by NOCHE

• Skirt by Artificial Hallucination

• Shirt by Artificial Hallucination




• Ceryl Necklace by Piece Of Me

• MVW 2013 Empress Josephine Earings, Bracelet, Tiara and Ring by Lazuri

• Corgi by Rezz Room

• Globus Cruciger I by LUX AETERNA [Magno Rex]


Make Up


• Tahnee Eyemakeup by Zibska

• Rasa Lips by Zibska




• The Royalty handbag sponsored by ~Tara Handbags ~

• Pose-Set including Walk custom made and sponsored by PinkMoon

• Royal Guards - Backdrop created by Pharagon Pelous

• Lenta (sash) - sponsored and custom made by Freedom in Art, custom texture and finish by Pharagon Pelous

• Order of the Garter custom made and sponsored by Good Blance

• Medal Orden custom made and sponsored by Good Balance
