AVISTAR ♛ UK 2022, Pharagon Pelous - La Dulce Vida


     Pharagon's styling is inspired by a Simnel cake. Simnel cake is a fruit cake,  eaten in the United Kingdom at Easter time and covered in marzipan. Traditionally, 11 marzipan balls on top decorate the cake, symbolising the 12 apostles minus Judas Iscariot. An early reference to decorating with marzipan balls appears in May Byron's Pot-Luck Cookery, but with no mention of this story. It was originally made for the fourth Sunday in Lent also known as Laetare Sunday, the Refreshment Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday, the Sunday of the Five Loaves, or Simnel Sunday; named after the cake. In the United Kingdom, it is now commonly associated with Easter Sunday.  Since there are many different ways of decorating nowadays Pharagon has decided to decorate his cake with a lot of fruits.
·         Decadence Shoes by Ravenbell
·         Boys' Tiptoes by MAZE.mods
·         Mouth Jewellery Cherry by Miss Canning
·         strawberry earrings by comet
·         {Amor} banged up glasses BLACK by Cubic Cherry
·         DragonBorn Rings by RealEvil Industries
·         Candy Background by Pigbag
·         Pose: PM - Ojos de Mar 3 by PinkMoon
Custom Items
·         Skinny Short Cuff Pants by RL FP with custom-made texture by Pharagon
·         Obstsalat (Tattoo) custom made by Leӽ Ɗraven (LexyMekaelson)
·         Wire Skirt by Spotties decorated with a varity of fruits by Reflect Design, farm chickens by YOKAI  and bows as wrapping decoration by Zibska
·         Neck Scarf by CM Style with custom coloration
·         Harpalyke Hair  by Zibska customised with fruits and selfmade balls of marcipan
