Feel special, feel golden, be the little shooting star you always wanted to be. The best selection of Royalty combined in one outfit. “Golden Baroque” by *Find the Fish*. 

Tattoo is available at the Fallen Gods 15th Anniversary Event from 1 - 31 Oct 2022 https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Selidor/165/169/36

More info about the event: https://fallengodsinc.blogspot.com/

The Find the Fish - Golden Baroque Halo of the same collection is given in ~Gloria~ Hunt gift during the event.

For more info about the hunt follow the link https://fallengodsinc.blogspot.com/p/gloria.html

Tattoo:   *Find the Fish* - Golden Baroque – Face
              *Find the Fish* - Golden Baroque – Full Body
Halo:     *Find the Fish* - Golden Baroque Halo
Creator: Orpheus Paxlapis-Savior (OrpheusofDarkness)
